Watch LIVE Track & Field | Pole Vault & High Jump | 6A West Conference | High School Invitational | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAh2V0OwAOM

T-minus 7 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
Jones Elementary-
According to Lesli Figueroa, “EAST has helped me grow. It helps me learn new things, and I feel successful when I try new things". One project students at Jones have learned through this year has led to learning how to use a vinyl cutter to design custom signage for their school. Students are making sure locations in their building are labeled in English, Spanish and Marshallese to help all students successfully navigate their school.

T-minus 7 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
Bayyari Elementary-
“I have never been to an EAST conference, so I really don't know what to expect, but I am most excited about getting to meet new people and the Q/A session with the judges,” says Braelyn Grimmett 5th grade EAST student at Bayyari. One project students will be presenting to the judges is their work with Har-Ber High School EAST on a district wide food insecurity project. The focus of this project is to help connect people in our community who need food resources to the resources. Additionally, the students will be distributing food to our families in need the week before Spring Break.

Watch LIVE at 10:00am Har-Ber Girls Basketball take on Ft. Smith Northside in the Basketball State Playoffs

Watch LIVE Track & Field @4:30pm | Races | NWA Middle School | 7th-8th Grade Invitational | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_42lpKVltss

Watch LIVE Track & Field @3:30pm | Long Jump & Triple Jump | NWA Middle School | 7th-8th Grade Invitational | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_0BYwv6z8k

Watch LIVE Track & Field @3:30pm | Pole Vault & High Jump | NWA Middle School | 7th-8th Grade Invitational | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POQqX7qKuWE

Watch LIVE Basketball @1:00pm | 6A State Tournament | Har-Ber vs. Northside | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_3RdcuxDO4

T-minus 8 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year. Walker Elementary- To Hannah Winters, “EAST is getting a chance to voice my opinion on how we can help others and to have the opportunity to act upon it.” For students in the Walker EAST program, one project this year that has let them help others is the “I Want to Move it, Move it” project. This project is about creating Sensory Walks that students in our school can use when they need an active break. This project involves the students planning out sensory activities that promote cognitive focus and physical activity. The Walker EAST program has already laid two sensory walks at Walker this year and is now working on a design for First United Methodist Church and plans to lay the walk there before the end of the school year.

T-minus 8 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
George Elementary-
According to Vanesa Romero, “EAST has helped me grow by helping me know that I can rely on myself more. My facilitator doesn't know everything about technology, so I have had to learn a lot of it on my own. I do this in my regular classes, too. I don't always have to rely on the teacher for everything.” One project that students in George EAST have been working on this year is creating sidewalk games for the K-2 grade playground. Because of the pandemic, students have to stay in "zones" by class during recess this year, limiting the number of activities for students. The sidewalk games will help make sure every student is active and enjoys their time outside.

Watch LIVE Basketball | 6A Conference State Tournament | Springdale Bulldogs vs. Bryant Hornets

Watch LIVE @6:00pm | Southwest Junior High School Band | Assessment Concert | https://youtu.be/b6m12s9Xw4Q

Watch LIVE | Springdale Public Schools | School Board | March Meeting

Watch LIVE Track & Field @4:30pm | Races | 9th Grade Invitational |NWA Junior High | https://youtu.be/Heea5VReyAM

Watch LIVE Track & Field @3:30pm | Long Jump & Triple Jump | 9th Grade Invitational |NWA Junior High | https://youtu.be/gjdkks8ZHHA

Watch LIVE Track & Field @3:30pm | Pole Vault & High Jump | 9th Grade Invitational |NWA Junior High | https://youtu.be/2Bx5HBgLEw4

Ready to sign your kids up for Camp War Eagle!? Please see the flyer below for more information!
¿Listo para inscribir a sus hijos en Camp War Eagle? ¡Consulte el folleto a continuación para obtener más información!

T-minus 9 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
Lee Elementary-
According to Kloie Ervin, “EAST has taught me more about the world and technology. It has also helped me at home when we have technology problems.” One partner they have loved working with this year is the Children's Safety Center of Washington County. Lee EAST students are working with the Children's Safety Center to create a 360 tour of their facility. This will help make it a little less scary for kids. They are also filming and editing a PSA to be used in April for Child Abuse Awareness Month.
John Tyson Elementary-
Jevin Johnson, 5th grader at John Tyson, says “Being an EASTie at JTE has helped me grow into a more confident person. Because of the work that I do in EAST, my communication skills have grown. I am a better writer, listener, and speaker thanks to the podcast that I produce.” The Tiger Talks Podcast is one of the projects this team will be spotlighting during conference this year. Each episode of Tiger Talk highlights something awesome that is happening at JTE. Students surveyed parents to find out what they want to hear about on Tiger Talk and some of the topics we have helped parents learn about are state testing and school safety.

Watch LIVE Basketball | Har-Ber High School Basketball | 6A Conference State Tournament | Har-Ber vs. Bryant

T-minus 10 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
Kholie Williams, EAST conference member from Monitor Elementary, says "EAST has helped me grow by teaching me not to be shy and to talk more. Now I can do more things on my own and be a problem solver." One project at Monitor was to create line readers for students with dyslexia. They are working with our special education professionals to design and 3D print line readers that can be provided to any student who would benefit from one.
Lakeside Junior High EAST is proud that even during the pandemic they have been able to help our community and grow as individuals. One project the team is especially proud of is their work with Erika Wilhite, a local Artist and Transportation fellow. Lakeside EAST has created a story map in ARCGIS that highlights new public transportation routes and shares stories of people that take these routes everyday. Ms. Wilhite is planning to use our work to argue for more equitable public transportation.