Watch LIVE Track & Field | Races | NWA Middle School Meet #1 7th - 8th Grade Invitational | https://youtu.be/PW5r4NkiFiU

Watch LIVE Track & Field | Long Jump & Triple Jump | NWA Middle School Meet #1 | 7th - 8th Grade Invitational

Watch LIVE Track & Field | Pole Vault & High Jump NWA Middle School Meet #1 | 7th - 8th Grade Invitational | https://youtu.be/arSWZHbUnqU

Governor Asa Hutchinson has designated March 15 - 19 as G.U.I.D.E. for Life Week in the state of Arkansas, and the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is encouraging schools to celebrate with daily activities. DESE has developed a number of sample activities and resources to help schools plan their celebrations and support the personal competency standards in the G.U.I.D.E. for Life.
Please click on the link below for more information and a sample of activities for daily celebrations!

Please join us in thanking our Social Workers

Pre-K registration for the 2021-2022 school year is approaching! Please see the following flyers for more information. Registration for new students begin March 29, 2021.

Watch LIVE Basketball @6:00pm | Lady Wildcats vs Rogers |

Watch LIVE Basketball @ 7:00pm | Har-Ber Wildcats vs Springdale Bulldogs

Parents/guardians you are invited to join Ozark Guidance, Arisa Health for a virtual parent night on Tuesday, March 9th from 6:00-7:00pm on Positive Parenting Strategies. Below are fliers for both the English and the Spanish sessions happening simultaneously, but separately (so long as at least 10 parents register across NWA). These sessions are sponsored by Promoting Positive Emotions - a crisis counseling support program free to Arkansans. All registrants will receive a link to the recording of the live presentation and handouts.

Looking for a summer job!?
Springdale Parks and Recreation is now hiring for summer/part-time/seasonal positions and we are interested in YOU!!!!
They are in need of part-time front desk staff, seasonal parks maintenance, Aquatic Center lifeguards and concession workers.
If interested, apply at https://www.springdalear.gov/789/Current-Job-Openings

Watch LIVE Basketball | 6A West Conference Tournament |
Lady Wildcats vs Bentonville

Watch LIVE Basketball | 6A West Conference Tournament | Lady Wildcats vs Bentonville

Looking for a summer job!? Springdale Parks and Recreation is now hiring for summer/part-time/seasonal positions and we are interested in YOU!!!! They are in need of part-time front desk staff, seasonal parks maintenance, Aquatic Center lifeguards and concession workers. If interested, apply at https://www.springdalear.gov/789/Current-Job-Openings

Springdale Schools would like your feedback about blended learning. Please respond by Thursday March 4, 2021 at 5:00 pm. Thank you for your participation.
Las Escuelas de Springdale desea recibir sus comentarios sobre el aprendizaje combinado. Responda antes del jueves 4 de marzo de 2021 a las 5:00 p.m. Gracias por su participación.
Springdale jikuul ko rej konaan ron jen eokikijien blended learning eo (an rijikuul ro bok katak jen mon jikuul ko im moko mweer) Jouj im uwaaktok mokta jen Taije, Maaj 4, 2021 ilo 5:00 pm. Kommol kin am naaj bok konaam.

Chelsea Jennings, assistant principal at Lakeside Junior High and current Arkansas Assistant Principal of the Year, is one of three finalists for National Assistant Principal of the Year. She is only the second assistant principal from Arkansas ever to be a finalist for the award. The other was Michael Shepherd, current Lakeside principal who was an assistant principal at Springdale Har-Ber High School when he won the award in 2011. Jennings said, "I am extremely honored. This recognizes the heart of the work we are striving to do at Lakeside -- to cultivate student learning and well being. I am excited because this represents the work of our team and faculty at Lakeside."
The announcement about Jennings being a finalist by the National Association of Secondary School Principals said, "Arkansas has the highest rate of adverse childhood experiences in the nation at 60 percent. That's why Chelsea Jennings is leading an initiative to make trauma-informed social-emotional learning interventions and resources accessible for every adult and student. Additionally, she has partnered with Ozark Guidance to expand school-based counseling services with an additional therapist and behavioral paraprofessional this year, doubling the amount of students receiving services."
Jennings is among the many amazing administrators who help make Springdale Public Schools #THEChoice.

Watch LIVE Varsity Basketball at 7:00pm | 6A West Conference Tournament | Springdale Bulldogs vs Rogers Heritage https://youtu.be/8ZaTdVoUW5A

Watch LIVE Varsity Basketball | 6A West Conference Tournament |
Har-Ber Wildcats vs Rogers Mounties

Watch LIVE Varsity Basketball | 6A West Conference Tournament | Lady Wildcats vs Bentonville West

Pre-K registration for 2021-2022 school year is approaching! Please see the following flyers for more information. Registration for new students begin March 29, 2021. ¡Se acercan las inscripciones de prekínder para el año escolar 2021-2022! Consulte los siguientes folletos para obtener más información. La inscripción para nuevos estudiantes comienza el 29 de marzo de 2021.