Central Junior High Choir at Heroncrest: Combined Men

Central Junior High Choir at Heroncrest: Chantez

The EAST Project Competition recognizes and celebrates outstanding EAST Projects. Evie and her #sprEAdpoSiTivity team from EAST at John Tyson Elementary School are finalists in the competition.
Please vote for Finalist #4!!
It's 3 easy steps: 1) Type your name, 2) Choose John Tyson Elementary School as your EAST Program, and 3) Vote for Finalist #4 #sprEAdpoSiTivity and submit. THANK YOU! 🙂

March is Music in our Schools Month!

T-minus 2 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
T. G. Smith-
When asked what she most likes about EAST, Mackenzie Landry said “EAST is a place where we can work on things we are passionate about. It allows us to help other people that are in need and it makes us feel good during the process.” The students at Smith will be sharing many projects this week including their partnership with Officer Sanchez who is a dog trainer and was a member of the Springdale Police department for many years. According to the students, “Our school, like many other schools, have endured a lot this past year. COVID, social issues, and just the challenges that come with growing up. We wanted to help our fellow students power through these challenges so we decided to research getting a therapy dog.”

Watch LIVE | Springdale High School | Softball and Baseball Field Dedication @4:00pm | https://youtu.be/doeYyUTwt7o

T-minus 2 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
J.O. Kelly Middle-
According to Xitlaly Rodriguez, "I am excited to work with people from all over during the EAST Conference because I want to learn from people who are not just from our school." Xitlaly, along with the rest of the Kelly Conference Team, will be sharing their school’s projects with hundreds of other EAST schools. One project they plan to share is the Kelly Coffee Klatch which provides an opportunity for students to work in a small school based business. We are providing our students an opportunity to practice essential life skills. They use critical thinking when preparing orders, organizing deliveries, and preparing for the next business day.

When Tyson Middle School principal Stephanie Anderson, teachers and students discovered that Lonna Gae Gault, a teacher at the school, had a grandmother celebrating her 101st birthday, they staged a parade for her. Essie Bell Helm was born March 15, 1920. She still lives in Lincoln. Her great grandson Miller, also born March 15 but 100 years later, also attended the celebration. Needless to say, Essie Bell was grateful for the attention! #THEChoice

The EAST Project Competition recognizes and celebrates outstanding EAST Projects. Evie and her #sprEAdpoSiTivity team from EAST at John Tyson Elementary School are finalists in the competition.
Please vote for Finalist #4!!
It's 3 easy steps: 1) Type your name, 2) Choose John Tyson Elementary School as your EAST Program, and 3) Vote for Finalist #4 #sprEAdpoSiTivity and submit. THANK YOU! 🙂

T-minus 3 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
Knapp Elementary-
Students at Knapp are excited about the EAST Conference “to see what we can do and create and what other kids in EAST can do too.” One project they will be sharing with other schools is called the Gator Walk. Ms. Hollingsworth, a 1st grade teacher asked EAST to help her figure out a way that her students could quickly get their wiggles out and get their brains ready to learn. A group of EAST students at our school researched different ways to help and discovered sensory walks. These EAST students used Silhouette Studio to design different activities like hopscotch, jumping jacks, dinosaur stomp, and ABC tiptoes.

Sonora Elementary-
Students at Sonora Elementary are “most excited about all the new things they will get to learn and all the new people from across the state they will get to meet." One project Sonora students will be sharing with other schools is
Before the pandemic began, we had a group of 4th grade students interested in partnering up with the Bella Vista Fly Tiers Association and Arkansas Trout Unlimited to start a Healing Waters Chapter in Northwest Arkansas. Project Healing Waters is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans through fly fishing. During this pandemic, we have discovered the importance and value of protecting our mental health. Navy Veteran, Doug Smoyer, donated to our program a massive fly tying kit that he picked up at a garage sale while visiting Nebraska. It included books, threads, hooks, clamps, and a lot of different tools to help us get started with the fly tying process. Sadly, Mr. Smoyer passed away in December due to a long fight with cancer. To honor him, we will continue this project in his name once Covid restrictions are lifted and vaccinations become more available to our veterans. Today as 5th graders, our team has reached out to individual veterans to seek interest in helping us charter our Healing Waters Chapter in Springdale. We look forward to this journey in outdoor education.

T-minus 4 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
Sonora Middle-
For Natalie Robles, “EAST has helped all of us grow by forcing us to work through problems or hurdles that stand in our way.” One project that has required students at Sonora Middle School to overcome obstacles this year was working with a young boy in Texas named Braylon. He suffered multiple strokes as an infant that left him paralyzed in his left arm. Braylon is a typical 12 year old that loves sports and cooking but as you might expect, he struggles with many tasks that we take for granted. For example, putting the straw in a capri sun pouch is not easy. He asked Sonora students to try 3D printing a solution for him that would be portable enough to keep in his soccer bag. Sonora EAST has designed and printed multiple prototypes and conferenced back and forth with him throughout the process to get it just right.

T-minus 4 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
According to Johndavid English, “I really enjoy the many opportunities that he helps us with and I like how we have options of what we want to achieve in our EAST experience, even if it is a small accomplishment." One project Har-Ber will be showcasing at this year’s conference is Wooten's Helping Hands pantry, a main source of food distribution within our district. Partnering with the NWA Food Bank, we usually host a Thanksgiving Food Drive, however, due to COVID, Har-Ber EAST decided to have a spring distribution instead. They are working alongside 10 other schools with the hopes of giving families the most amount of food possible.

T-minus 6 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
For Audrey McClarty, “EAST is about making new friends and learning new technology.” One project at Turnbow this year where students have learned new technology is called Mario's Yearbook. Mario is a student with a visual impairment. Students in the EAST Program are scanning Mario's classmates and teachers to create 3D figures so Mario can feel what his classmates look like. They are also having messages from classmates, friends and teachers put into braille to create a Yearbook

Day 5:
T-minus 6 days till the National EAST Conference begins. Students at 28 schools in Springdale will be attending the conference, which will be virtual this year.
Parson Hills-
EAST at Parson Hills has been working hard this year to adapt to Covid 19 and they are looking forward to sharing their work with our students during EAST Conference. For example, students in their program have 3D printed over 1000 ear savers for healthcare workers in our community.

Watch LIVE | Southwest Junior High Band | Assessment Concert | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hPTvNSxMaA

Principal Jason Jones and assistant principals Lynn Faught, Don Eichenberger and Remington Myers briefed school board members on student population and growth during their visit at Springdale High School. School board members then assisted in delivering Sonic drinks to teachers, a weekly practice during this academic year. #THEChoice

Watch LIVE Track & Field | Races | 6A West Conference | High School Invitational | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB5_vQZ4tDs

Watch LIVE Track & Field | Long Jump & Triple Jump | 6A West Conference | High School Invitational | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebRfOIcMLow