Here is some great information about our School Zones! Be safe out there

Students at T.G. Smith Elementary raise their hands in excitement to answer the next question! Teachers are always happy to see students' faces on Monday! Let's have an EPIC week Springdale Schools! Here are some smiles to brighten your day. #THEChoice

WE CAN DO IT! Let's #FinishStrongSPS
Give your best effort!

Noah Seiter (middle), Nathan Womack (left) and Reese Bell (right) finished first, second and third among over 1,500 competitors in the Stukent national social media marketing competition. Their business and marketing teacher, Laurie Jennings, said, "Our kids are super competitive and I am, too. They put a lot of work and hours into the competition." The students created posts for fictional companies, raising money for the companies. Seiter raised $750,000, Womack raised $537,000 and Bell raised over $400,000 (not real money) in the competition. Seiter was rewarded with a check of $1,500 from Stukent. Womack was awarded $1,000 and Bell earned $500. Congratulations! Amazing for one school to have the top three finishers from the entire country. Celebrated students help make Springdale Public Schools #THEChoice.

For the fourth time in six years Har-Ber High School's debate program has won the Arkansas Mock Trial championship. Har-Ber defeated Conway in the final match of the competition. The winning team included Pedro Manon, Trey Bowerman, Gerson Melton, Alea Billingsley, Brayden Hartwig and Patrick Kingston. Their coach, Joel Brown, said, "It was nice to win. We had two teams and one eliminated the other in round four. Both teams have pretty awesome students." Har-Ber will compete in national competition May 13-15. #THEChoice

Students of Springdale Schools....let's #FinishStrongSPS

Springdale Schools CTE are AWESOME!

Good morning Springdale Schools family! Tomorrow we begin a brand new month! We Need You! Let's unite as a community and encourage students, teachers and staff to #FinishStrongSPS! These are some ways to show your support. Let's make it to the finish line, TOGETHER!

We Need You! Let's encourage students, teachers and staff to #FinishStrongSPS! Let's make it to the finish line together, as a community.

Rusty Johnson, who has spent the last 20 years with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission,
has been named Springdale Public Schools District Safety Liaison.
Johnson has been involved with emergency management, search and rescue and the disaster
team during his years with the Game and Fish Commission. He is a graduate of Springdale High School
and the University of Arkansas.
“My whole world, other than our son in college, is here in Springdale,” Johnson said. “My wife
(Jody) is the assistant principal at Bayyari Elementary and our eight-year-old is in school there. I have
heard so much about the culture of Springdale Schools, I am excited about this opportunity to work with
the district’s safety plan.”
Johnson’s responsibilities will include conducting building threat assessments for all 31
Springdale Schools, building intervention teams at every school, training school personnel and students
how to respond to mental health crises, and expanding anonymous reporting practices of “See
Something, Say Something.”
Johnson also will oversee the COPS and Stop the School Violence grants through the United
States Department of Justice, will assume district safety meetings, plan district emergency procedures,
oversee a district safety website, grow district relationships with the Springdale police, fire and
emergency services departments and provide professional development for ALICE, anti-vaping, Catapult
EMS, mental health and much more.
“We are overjoyed Mr. Johnson has agreed to join our Springdale family,” said Superintendent
Dr. Jared Cleveland. “He is a specialist in his field and will help strengthen our safety pillar significantly
over time. We all look forward to working with and learning from Mr. Johnson.”

Springdale students, faculty and staff. We are excited to start this home stretch of the 2020-2021 school year. THANK YOU for the amazing work this year.

We are so excited to get back to school on Monday! #FinishStrongSPS

Attention parents of 11th and 12th graders! Find your Future in Health is a virtual event that will be held this summer. Please see the flyer below if your child is interested in a career in health care for more information. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 2, 2021!
¡Atención padres de alumnos de 11º y 12º grado! Find your Future in Health (Encuentra tu futuro en la Salud) es un evento virtual que se llevará a cabo este verano. Consulte el folleto a continuación si su hijo está interesado en una carrera en el cuidado de la salud para obtener más información. ¡La fecha límite para postularse es el viernes 2 de abril de 2021!

Archer Learning Center's Men of Honor Club members are always looking for ways to benefit the community. They took time to read virtually for students at Hunt and Walker Elementary Schools. Students providing mentorship is another reason Springdale Public Schools are #THEChoice.

Pre-K registration for the 2021-2022 school year is next week! Please see the following flyers for more information. Registration for new students begin March 29, 2021.

Come out and support George Junior High FCCLA! The money raised will be used to attend a national conference. See the flyer below for more info!

Adult Indoor Soccer and Adult Softball registration is now OPEN!!!! Registration for these leagues is done by team instead of on an individual basis. To register or for more league information, visit springdale.recdesk.com (Click on "Programs")
Please follow our dedicated Adult Leagues Facebook page at 'Springdale Parks and Recreation Adult Leagues' for all the latest information on teams and registration.
Things to Come in April
Youth Basketball Academy (Register in Early April)
Yoga Classes
Spinning (Indoor Biking) Fitness Classes
Please see the flyers for more information!

Central Junior High Choir at Heroncrest: Advanced Men

Central Junior High Choir at Heroncrest: Concert Men

Central Junior High Choir at Heroncrest: CANTATRICE JOLIS VOIX