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Walker Elementary | 8:00am | (Wright) Kindergarten Celebration

Watch live at 7:00 PM
Helen Tyson Middle School Band | 2021 Spring Concert

Hannah Mhoon is the recipient of 2021 Mental Health Champion Award. One of three given out by Ozark Guidance across the 150+ school partners through a nomination process in celebration of May as Mental Health Awareness Month. Mhoon was nominated four times and is an amazing advocate for mental health needs of students. Congratulations Hannah! #TheChoice

What an amazing weekend of graduations! Check out this newsletter for photo galleries and videos from the 20-21 graduations of Archer, Springdale, Har-Ber and Don Tyson

Don Tyson School of Innovation's League of Legends team, Phoenix Rising, successfully defended their title on Sunday against Van Buren's team in the AAA PlayVs finals. They are the only team in Arkansas PlayVS history to win both fall and spring League of Legends seasons in the same year. All players will receive championship jerseys and scholarship money.

Principal Shout out to Lynn Ryan from Walker Elementary

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2021 Don Tyson School of Innovation Graduation (Session 2) 3 p.m.

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2021 Don Tyson School of Innovation Graduation (Session 1) 1:00 pm

Watch LIVE today at noon:
6A Boys State Soccer Semifinals | Springdale vs Rogers Heritage

LIVE at 10:00am
6A Boys State Soccer Tournament Semifinals | Har-Ber vs Conway

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Archer Learning Center | Class of 2021 7:30 pm Graduation Ceremony

Springdale High School and Don Tyson School of Innovation graduating seniors who went to elementary school at Bayyari visited the school for its annual Senior Walk. In this unique year, the Senior Walk was held outdoors and Bayyari students circled the track and applauded the seniors as they walked by. Wonderful memories help make Springdale Public Schools #THEChoice.

Springdale High School edged Bentonville West, 1-0, in the quarterfinals of the state 6A soccer championships at Bulldog Stadium. Springdale has advanced to Saturday's state semifinals. Outstanding athletic teams are another reason Springdale Public Schools are #THEChoice.

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Archer Learning Center | Class of 2021 6 pm Graduation Ceremony

Watch Har-Ber Graduation LIVE

Watch the Springdale High School Graduation LIVE

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Springdale Boys Soccer Playoff Round 2 | 2:00 PM

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Harp Elementary Senior Walk | 1:00 PM

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Har-Ber Boys Soccer Round 2 | 12:00 PM

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DTSOI Senior Celebration May 14, 2021 9 a.m.