Pre-K Registration happening NOW!

George Jr. High Principal Named. Please welcome Dr. Jeff Flanigan to the Springdale Family

J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Ozark Highland Nature Center invites you to celebrate with the community on June 12th! Please see the flyer below for more information!

The Jenee Fleenor Hometown Celebration takes place June 25-27 and is a weekend-long celebration in downtown Springdale with music at its core. Come join us! Please see the flyer below for more info!

Parents, please see the following flyer for important information on Pre-K registration!

Springdale Schools is seeking feedback from various stakeholders who have insight into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning. Feedback will be used to inform the district's plan for the use of funds received.

After 15 years of telling the stories of Springdale Schools Rick Schaeffer is retiring. Thank you Rick for sharing all the great stories that happen in our school district. Please join us in celebrating one of the great story tellers in Arkansas! We wish you the very best!

Attention Parents, please see the following important flyer for information on Pre-K registration.

Please see the following important flyer with information on the Free Summer Meal Program. Remember parents it starts today!
Consulte el siguiente folleto importante con información sobre el Programa de comidas gratuitas de verano. Recuerden padres que hoy empieza!

Parents please see the following flyer for important dates regarding ACT testing coming up. Students can register here: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration.html
* Location for testing will be at Springdale High and Har-Ber High.

Attention Springdale Family - please see these very important tips for water safety

Please see the following important flyer with information on the Free Summer Meal Program.
Consulte el siguiente folleto importante con información sobre el Programa de comidas gratuitas de verano.

Nearly a dozen community organizations are coming together to honor Jenee Fleenor, a Springdale native and an award-winning musician who is referred to as the “woman leading the fiddle revival in country music.” The Jenee Fleenor Hometown Celebration takes place June 25-27 and is a weekend-long celebration in downtown Springdale with music at its core. Come join us! (The Jenee Fleenor Hometown Celebration is sponsored by the Tyson Family Foundation, Cram-A-Lot and Slim Chickens.)

Please see the following important flyer with information on the Free Summer Meal Program.
Consulte el siguiente folleto importante con información sobre el Programa de comidas gratuitas de verano.

Parents please see the following flyer for important dates regarding ACT testing coming up. Students can register here: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration.html
Location for testing will be at Springdale High and Har-Ber High.

Springdale High School Teacher Carol Turley retired in May of 2021 but before she left years of students wanted to share the impact she made on them, the city of Springdale, the State of Arkansas, the United States and the world.

Sign up for the Springdale Junior Police Academy 2021! Please see the following flyer for important information on how to register.

Happy Last Day from Young Elementary!

Happy Last Day from Westwood Elementary!

Let's celebrate! It's the last day of school Springdale family. Here is how Tyson Elementary celebrated today. Fun in the sun! #TheChoice