Thank you SPSEF!

Parents, please see the following flyers with important information on Pre-K enrollment for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year. | Padres, por favor consulten los siguientes folletos con información importante sobre la inscripción de Pre-K para el próximo año escolar 2022-2023.

Dr. Annette Thompson presented to Springdale Rotary today! She showcased photos and videos of Jim Rollins Elementary!

Thank you for your generosity, SPSEF!! #THEChoice

Thank you SPSEF! #THEChoice

Thank you SPSEF! #THEChoice

Thank You SPSEF for this awesome grant for DTSOI! #THEChoice

Thank you SPSEF for your generosity! #THEChoice

Thank you SPSEF for this wonderful grant! #THEChoice

Students from Clint Pianalto's choir class practice at Har-Ber High School.

Thank you SPSEF! #THEChoice

Huge thank you to SPSEF for this awesome grant! #THEChoice

Attention parents! Your child can sign up to be in this year's HOGEYE race taking place in April! Students kindergarten through 8th grade are eligible to participate. Please see the flyers below for more information or visit: www.hogeyemarathon.com 🏆🥇

Attention parents! Your child can sign up to be in this year's HOGEYE race taking place in April! Students kindergarten through 8th grade are eligible to participate. Please see the flyers below for more information or visit: www.hogeyemarathon.com 🏆🥇

Thank you SPSEF for your generosity!

Thank you SPSEF! #THEChoice

Huge thank you to SPSEF for their generosity! #THEChoice

BBQ & Business is our inaugural elevator pitch contest and BBQ dinner! Students can submit their elevator pitch now to enter the contest. Scan the QR code for contest rules and to submit your entry. The contest is open to any student in Springdale Public Schools.

Please congratulate Mary Blake Martfield and Miles Rolfe from Har-Ber High School for being the shelter players of the week for the week of January 19! Way to go! #THEChoice

Please congratulate Cayla Koons and Cameron Mains from Har- Ber High School for being the shelter players of the week for the week of January 12. Way to go! #THEChoice