Please see the Springdale School District Properties for Sale. In the webpage it will show the properties with photos and explanations of each. Additionally will explain how to bid

At the January School Board Meeting, Dr. Jim Rollins was presented with a framed picture of the front of the new Jim D. Rollins Elementary School. Dr. Rollins said "Thank you for the recognition you have made available for me and my family...I will forever appreciate it"

Attention Parents/Guardians: You are invited to join Ozark Guidance, Arisa Health for a virtual parent night on Tuesday, February 9th at 6:00-7:00 PM discussing Emotional Intelligence.
Please register in advance by clicking on this link:

Watch LIVE Basketball at 6:00pm: Har-Ber vs Bentonville West

I just love kids. I love helping kids and I love the Springdale School District! - Destini Wages
You too can be part of the Springdale Schools family! Click on this link for more information on how to apply: https://district.sdale.org/o/springdale-public-schools/page/substitute-teachers--6

Watch LIVE Basketball at 6:00pm- Har-Ber vs Rogers Heritage

Watch LIVE Basketball at 6:00pm- Springdale vs Bentonville West https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVQPkyM6Ngw

This is something that I want to pursue in the future. Getting extra experience before going into the full time classroom is good practice. If your hearts into it, then go for it! - Meredith Boogaart

District administrators observed students participating in a percussion play along and joined principal Mary Mullican and assistant principal Jody Johnson in delivering "thank you's" to the teachers during their visit to Bayyari Elementary School. #THEChoice

Olivia Wright, a sixth grade student at Hellstern Middle School, is the Springdale Public School District's winner of the Walmart Martin Luther King, Jr., Essay Contest. She was notified in a Zoom conference with Walmart officials. Her response? "I was very excited," she says. "My parents knew the night before but I didn't know until the Zoom. I have a passion for women's rights and the essay centered on gender equality and expectations. It was exciting to see my hard work pay off." Wright earned a gift bag, a certificate and a plaque. Hellstern was awarded $500. Passionate, creative students are among the reasons Springdale Public Schools are #THEChoice.

My mom told me there was a shortage of subs and I was home from Arkansas Tech for the semester break so I wanted to help. It has been a lot of fun. - Reagan Kirk

Please listen to Dr. Jared Cleveland discuss COVID-19 on this Statewide Podcast:

This is fun, flexible and I have done a lot of bonding with the kids. I am a full time virtual graduate student and this job is helping me pay for tuition. - Hartley Allen

Watch LIVE Basketball at 6:00pm- Har-Ber at Bentonville

I was out of school (Arkansas Tech) for the break and am an elementary education major so this is good training and practice for me. - Riley Kirk

Students enjoying a little basketball on a beautiful day back from break at Elmdale Elementary! Let's have a great semester! #THEChoice

Back to the books and back to the playground at Smith Elementary! What a fun first day back! #THEChoice

Welcome back to semester number two! Harp Elementary students enjoyed first day activities. #THEChoice

Students at J.O. Kelly Middle School are happy to be back in class! It's a new semester in the Springdale Public School District. #THEChoice

The Springdale Public School District plans to extend the use of a maximum of 20 days of COVID leave through June 30, 2021. The School Board will vote on the proposal on January 12, 2021 during the January School Board Meeting.