Watch LIVE Springdale Color Day at 9:30am |

Springdale schools will resume on-site instruction for Friday February 12. Busses will run their normal routes! Please dress warm and we look forward to seeing you.
Las escuelas de Springdale reanudarán la instrucción presencial mañana viernes 12 de febrero. ¡Los autobuses seguirán sus rutas normales! Vístase abrigado y esperamos verte.

Watch LIVE 9th Grade Boys & Girls Basketball at 6:30pm: Central vs Southwest | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZtErUf8EtY

Due to inclement weather, the Springdale Schools will have remote teaching and learning on February 11, 2021. Stay safe and stay warm!

Have you taken the Phase 2 Survey? It is LIVE online. The Jones Center Campus Master Plan is a six-month community-driven effort that aims to define the future of the 52-acre campus. Your voice will be important in bringing it to life. Take the second survey! thejonescenter.net/take-the-survey #JonesCenterCampusVision

Beth Carter, in her 12th year at George Elementary School, including sixth as assistant principal, will move to the new Jim Rollins Elementary School as assistant principal in time for the 2021-22 academic year. She will join Dr. Annette Thompson, current George Elementary principal who has been previously announced as the first principal at Jim Rollins Elementary. This completes the transition of principal and assistant principal from George to Rollins Elementary.
"Moving to a brand new school is a great adventure," Carter said. "I am always ready for a new challenge. This will be exciting." #THEChoice.

Justin Swope, in his 10th year as principal and Sonia Hernandez, in her first year as assistant principal, will transition from Lee Elementary to George Elementary as principal and assistant principal in time for the 2021-22 academic year it was announced at the February School Board meeting. Swope, who was assistant principal at Jones Elementary before moving to Lee, said, "I am excited that some of our Lee students will be coming to George. I am looking forward to building relationships with George teachers, students and parents. It is an honor to be a principal in one of the best school districts in the United States." Hernandez added, "I grew up in the George neighborhood. I was in the first class at George Junior High the year we moved to Springdale and graduated from Springdale High School. I have three brothers in law who went to George Elementary and they loved the school. I look forward to building relationships with the George families." Outstanding leaders help make Springdale Public Schools #THEChoice

Due to inclement weather, the Springdale Schools will have remote teaching and learning on February 10, 2021. Stay safe and stay warm!

Watch live at 5:00pm
Springdale Public Schools | School Board | February Meeting

Sonora Middle School EAST instructor Derek Ratchford is only the second teacher from Arkansas
ever selected as a Grosvenor Teacher Fellow by the National Geographic Society and Lindblad
Expeditions. This is the 14 th year of the program.
“This is a huge opportunity,” said Ratchford. “I want to be the teacher who never stops learning,
the type who jumps in with my kids and explores the content right along with them. This experience will
help me share with our students how huge the world is. I want them to be explorers, whether it is in the
world, as astronomers or in the classroom.”
The Grosvenor Teacher Fellowship is a field-based professional development opportunity made
possible by a partnership between National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions. When travel
conditions allow, Ratchford and the other 49 Teacher Fellows will embark on a one-to-three week
voyage aboard a Lindblad Expedition ship.
Fellows will travel in small groups to some of the world’s most remote and extraordinary
environments, including the high Arctic, southeast Alaska, Central America, Antarctica and the
Galapagos Islands. The Fellows will encounter wildlife and explore breathtaking landscapes while
accompanied by a team of Lindblad Expeditions naturalists, including marine biologists, geologists,
historians, undersea specialists and National Geographic photographers.
The Fellows will return home with an experience they will translate into reimagined curricula
that inspire their students, colleagues and communities to care more deeply about the planet and take
action on global issues.
“I am looking forward to seeing one of the most remote places on the planet and bringing a
unique and once in a lifetime perspective back to my classroom, my school, my district and my state so I
can help build future explorers and a love for storytelling and empathy for others.
“When you think about National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions you immediately think
about exploration, storytelling and wildlife. They open the eyes of the world to what is out there. It is a
huge honor they saw me and what we do in EAST at Sonora Middle School as exemplary.”
Ratchford credits the Springdale School District for “being a district that values learning for all,
including educators. In my second year as a teacher I was at J.O. Kelly Middle School and the principal,
Sara Ford, said she wanted me to go with three others to Boston to a conference to learn about Project
Based Learning and the Flipped Classroom approach. It was at that moment I knew if I wanted to be the
best for my students, I needed to learn from doing and learn from the best.
“That same mindset transitioned with me to Sonora Middle School and the principal, Dr. Martha
Dodson. All I had to say was I think this will help me and our kids and she would figure out a way to
make it happen, like the National Geographic Education Summit in October, 2019 that introduced me to
a new way of thinking and approach to exploration in the classroom.”
Ratchford is among the many outstanding teachers who make Springdale Public Schools

Students from Har-Ber High School watched and engaged in a presentation created by Jessica Shelton, an instructional facilitator. During the whole month of February, students will be presented with African American history and people who made a difference. “It is important to have exposure,” says Aterra Lowe, Assistant Principal of Har-Ber. Pictured here are students from Mrs. Davey’s 10th grade class and Mr. Hernandez’s Spanish class watching the presentation. #THEChoice

Watch LIVE Basketball at 6:00pm | Har-Ber Wildcats at Bentonville West

Watch LIVE Basketball at 6:00pm | Springdale Bulldogs vs Rogers

Watch LIVE February School Board Meeting |

Watch LIVE Basketball at 6:00pm: Har-Ber vs Springdalehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--4kr8ApXCQ

Watch LIVE: Sonora Middle School | Souper Bowl Basketball Finale | Teachers vs Students

Shout out to school counselor Mrs. Kim Justis from Walter Turnbow Elementary!

Central Support Services go Red for Heart Celebration!

Violet Middleton from Walker Elementary on morning announcements introduces Black History month with the following announcement:
Did you know that February is the month set aside to honor African Americans? Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history. Among prominent figures are Madam C.J. Walker, who was the first U.S. woman to become a self-made millionaire; George Washington Carver, who derived nearly 300 products from the peanut; Rosa Parks, who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and galvanized the civil rights movement; and Shirley Chisholm, who was the first African American woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Each day this month Walker will be showcasing an African American who made a positive difference in our world. #THEChoice

Shout out to school counselor Mrs. Hope at Kelly Middle School!