August School Board Policy Update

We love our Springdale Family! Let's have a great school year.

Springdale Teachers, Staff and Students 8-12 grade face coverings are optional.

The Springdale School Board voted at the August School Board meeting to approve COVID leave for employees and require face coverings for students in grades K through 7. Face covering policy will be reassessed at the September Board Meeting on Tuesday September 14th.

Watch the Springdale Public Schools August School Board meeting live at 5:00pm

Parson Hills Elementary concluded its summer program by celebrating students on their participation, attendance and outdoor activity.

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2021 Kiwanis Kids Day Football | 3rd & 4th Grade | Blue vs. Gray - 9:00 PM

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2021 Kiwanis Kids Day Football | 3rd & 4th Grade | Red vs. White - 8:00 PM

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2021 Kiwanis Kids Day Football | 1st & 2nd Grade | Blue vs. Gray - 7:00 PM

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2021 Kiwanis Kids Day Football | 1st & 2nd Grade | Red vs. White - 6:00 PM

Students who are ages 12 and older are now eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccination. Most local pharmacies have vaccines readily available.
Fully-vaccinated students or staff do not need to quarantine if deemed close contacts unless they have/develop symptoms.

Springdale Schools and Arkansas Children's Hospital are partnering together to offer 3 Vaccination clinics this week eligible for 12 and up

Come join this family fun event on Saturday, July 31! There will be dancing, live music, a fashion show and more. You can't miss it!

School is right around the corner! The first day of school is August 16th! Let's get ready to have some fun. Please see the important flyer below.
¡El primer día de clases está a la vuelta de la esquina, el 16 de agosto! Preparémonos para divertirnos. Consulte el folleto importante a continuación.

Students at Monitor have been engaged in STREAM tasks during our summer camp! This week, students have been learning how to code with Artie 3000 as well as Botley 2.0! Students have been working in teams and developing their problem solving skills!

Help our students start the school year strong!

The City of Springdale is partnering with Boston Mountain Solid Waste District for the Free Electronics Recycling event this Saturday, July 24th, 2021 from 8:00a.m - 2:00p.m., located at the parking lot at Arvest Ballpark. This event is open to the public, businesses, non-profits, and schools. Up to 10 items will be accepted. You will need to unload items yourself. Items include: Computers, printers, copiers, phones, and more. Please see the flyer below for more information!

It was a fun day hanging out with KNWA at Helen Tyson Middle School! Anchors, Crystal Martinez, Tavares Jones and Rick Katzfey made a short back to school video on the premises.

Parents please see the flyer below for important information on immunizations for back to school!

The City of Springdale is partnering with Boston Mountain Solid Waste District for the Free Electronics Recycling event on Saturday, July 24th, 2021 from 8:00a.m - 2:00p.m., located at the parking lot at Arvest Ballpark. This event is open to the public, businesses, non-profits, and schools. Up to 10 items will be accepted. You will need to unload items yourself. Items include: Computers, printers, copiers, phones, and more. Please see the flyer below for more information!