We desperately need your help! Even though all students are being allowed to eat for free again this year, we still need families to complete the free and reduced meal form.
Here’s why: Our district must have at least 70% of our students qualify for free and reduced meals by October 1, 2021, or we will lose up to $8 million dollars in funding next year. This $8 million dollars are the funds used to provide nurses, social workers, and school resource officers for each school.
Right now, we are only at 66%. Will you please help us by completing the application today?

Please see the following flyer with important information. Visit www.schoolcafe.com or call Child Nutrition at 479-750-8707.

Join us LIVE this weekend for the 4th Annual SPSEF Duck Race!
Everyone who purchases a duck will have the opportunity to earmark their duck for a specific classroom or school. If that duck wins the race, that school/classroom will win a $1,000 grant to use during the year for materials or a project of their choosing.
Click on the following link:

Join us this Saturday starting at 8AM to show your support!

Choose your days + Choose your hours + Choose your school= AWESOME! Join us today

Join us LIVE this weekend for the 4th Annual SPSEF Duck Race!
Click on the following link to learn more!

School meal applications need to be turned in by Thursday, September 30. Please click HERE https://www.schoolcafe.com/SPRINGDALEPS to apply electronically (click apply for benefits as guest) or print an application in English - https://bit.ly/3nQAbVD, Spanish - https://bit.ly/3EA25uW, or Marshallese - https://bit.ly/3tTWN8S. Meal applications benefit students, families, and the Springdale School District.

Join us LIVE this weekend for the 4th Annual SPSEF Duck Race!
Everyone who purchases a duck will have the opportunity to earmark their duck for a specific classroom or school. If that duck wins the race, that school/classroom will win a $1,000 grant to use during the year for materials or a project of their choosing.
Click on the following link:

Bus Drivers and Substitutes NEEDED! Please apply today and become a part of the Springdale Schools Family

Students from the Teen Outreach Program (TOP) in Springdale created individual boxes with thank you notes and candy for frontline workers. One student writes: “Thank you frontline workers for everything you do! We value your hard work and we are so thankful! Thank you UAMS & Community Clinic!”

Who doesn't love summer camp!? Parents please see the following flyer with important information.

Parents please see the following important flyer. Access the meal form here: https://www.schoolcafe.com/

UAMS is hosting an online Q&A panel regarding Students & COVID-19 this evening, 9/20/21, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Parents, teachers, and school administrators are invited. Below is a link to the UAMS event webpage

Ready for the Downtown Run Around on September 25th?

Join us this Saturday starting at 8AM to show your support!

Please see this important information!

Getting to support our kids AND our teachers...what could be better??
Sign up today and join our Springdale Family! #THEChoice

Getting to support our kids AND our teachers...what could be better??
Sign up today and join our Springdale Family! #THEChoice

Up to $93.48 A DAY! WOW!! Come join our team