Girls won Regional Championship- and went to celebrate and be recognized by Dr. Cleveland. Thanks to our School Board, our superintendents, our athletic directors for all their support!

What is an athletic trainer? Check out the following flyers from the National Athletic Trainers' Association to celebrate National Athletic Training Month!

SAVE THE DATE! The HOGEYE KIDS MARATHON will be April 10, 2022! Students K-8 are eligible to participate. Please see the flyers below for more information on how to register or visit: https://hogeyemarathon.com/races-and-courses/kids-run/ 🏆🥇

Thank you SPSEF for this amazing grant to the Har-Ber Aviation Program at Har-Ber High School!

Join in on the FUN! The HOGEYE KIDS MARATHON will be April 10, 2022! Students K-8 are eligible to participate. Please see the flyers below for more information on how to register or visit: https://hogeyemarathon.com/races-and-courses/kids-run/ 🏆🥇

Due to inclement weather on Friday, March 11, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have a snow day. All School buildings will be closed.

Join in on the FUN! The HOGEYE KIDS MARATHON will be April 10, 2022! Students K-8 are eligible to participate. Please see the flyers below for more information on how to register or visit: www.hogeyemarathon.com 🏆🥇

Get ready for the 2022-2023 school year! Here is Kindergarten Registration information in English, Spanish, and Marshallese. https://www.sdale.org/page/enroll #THEChoice

March 6-12 is National School Social Work Week. The theme for National School Social Work Week 2022 is “Time to Shine.” Springdale Schools Social Workers definitely shine brightly for their students, families, staff, and community by helping to remove barriers to a student's academic and social success. Thank you Springdale Schools Social Workers for being a shining star in our community.

Sign up to be a volunteer today! Scan the QR code below What better way to make a difference in your community? We need YOU! Happy Friday! #THEChoice

SAVE THE DATE! The HOGEYE KIDS MARATHON will be April 10, 2022! Students K-8 are eligible to participate. Please see the flyers below for more information or visit: www.hogeyemarathon.com 🏆🥇

¡Necesitamos voluntarios! Las conferencias de padres y maestros están a la vuelta de la esquina y TU puedes hacer la diferencia. Escanee el código QR para registrarse hoy.
We need volunteers! Parent Teacher Conferences are right around the corner and YOU can make the difference. Scan the QR code below to sign up today.

Springdale Public Schools teachers, Lindsay Hall and Lisa Taylor, named as recipients of Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching are featured in Good Day NWA! #THEChoice

Volunteers Needed! Parent Teacher Conferences are right around the corner and YOU can make the difference. Scan the QR code below to sign up today.
¡Necesitamos voluntarios! Las conferencias de padres y maestros están a la vuelta de la esquina y TU puedes hacer la diferencia. Escanee el código QR para registrarte hoy.

WE NEED YOU! Would you like to serve as an interpreter? Sign up today to volunteer! You can make a difference. Click the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScjYn8zHZFnYczCogY27ybMSvb6TNel2W874t9lq_xmJXS3Yg/viewform

Padres y tutores,
Revise esta información y comparta sus comentarios sobre la encuesta sobre los miércoles temprano para estudiantes

Parents and Guardians,
Please review this information and share your feedback on the survey about Early out Wednesdays for Students

Due to inclement weather on Friday, February 25, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.

The DTSOI Robotics teams traveled to
Russellville High School to compete in the
2022 VEX robotics tournament on February
Team 1616X won robotics skills and the
Excellence award. The Excellence Award is
the highest award presented in the VEX
Robotics competition. This award is
presented to a team that exemplifies overall
excellence in building a high-quality robotics
program. This team is a strong contender in
numerous award categories. This award
qualifies team 1616X for the Arkansas State
Robotics Competition in March at Arkansas
Tech University.
Way to go DTSOI Robotics Team!

Don Tyson School of Innovation teachers Burl Sniff and Jessica Pena have each received a $2,000 sponsorship to attend the Computer Science Teachers Association Annual Conference July 14-17 in Chicago.
Arkansas Department of Education announced Feb. 15 that 18 Arkansas educators have been selected to receive sponsorships to assist educators with expanding their knowledge of computer science and give them the opportunity to network with other educators from around the world at the conference.
Sniff said he's looking forward to the impact of what he'll learn at the conference.
"I can honestly say that teaching computer science has been the most amazing part of my career as an educator thus far. It's barely been a school year, and I know I've really found my passion as an educator," he said. "This scholarship will hopefully open many doors and give me the network and tools to be the best CS teacher I can be. I hope to learn much and bring back everything to help foster and grow our program here at DTSOI."
The sponsorships were open to Arkansas K-12 public school teachers, librarians, curriculum coordinators, counselors and other educators who have demonstrated their commitment to technology integration and computer science education at their school or district. Educators were selected by an impartial committee of ADE employees and the statewide computer science specialists who reviewed all applications.
To receive a reimbursement of up to $2,000, selected educators will be required to attend the CSTA conference, participate in various conference and state delegation activities and submit a travel reimbursement request through the ADE.